Player Rules & Guidelines
Players will need to have 10 practices completed prior to any game in order to qualify to play according to league rules. These are practices that are organized team practices with a coach.
Practicing at home or in PE does not count towards a league practice – although any extra practice is encouraged.
Excused practices will not count as a practice; players must attend and participate in the practice with a coach at least 10 times prior to playing in any league games. Any unexcused absences from any class will result in not being able to play in that week’s game(s).
Game Times:
Games begin at 3:30pm. JV team will play first followed by the Varsity team. Each team plays 4 quarters of basketball.
Players will be excused from school early on game days – the time will be announced prior to the game.
Times will vary depending on where the team is traveling to. Time away from school will be an excused absence due to a school sporting event.
School Work:
All players are responsible for the work that occurs during their absence from school.
Players are encouraged to ask their teachers what they will miss prior to the early out of each game.
Players are required to complete any homework assigned that day. “I got out early for a game” will not be appropriate response to a teacher who is asking for their homework or something else. Coaches will be in contact with all teachers reviewing player’s academics. Players who improve their grades in classes during the season will see extra playing time in games; however, on the other hand those who are falling behind will see less playing time as a coach’s rule. It is extremely important for players to push themselves to achieve better grades. Players are expected to keep their grades in all classes above a “C” in order to play in a game as required by school rules.
Return time:
The return time back to school will depend on where the team is traveling from. The coach will tell the team the approximate return time prior to each game. Each player must be picked up by only a parent at this time.
Travel and Bus:
Food may or may not be allowed on the bus depending on who is driving the bus. If the bus driver does allow food on the bus, then THE PLAYERS WILL PICK UP ALL WRAPPERS, CRUMBS, ECT. If the players do not, they will lose that privilege. It is not guaranteed we will be able to eat on the bus. If eating is allowed the Coach expects healthy snacks. (Fruit, protein bars, cheese, nuts are all great snacks to help a player’s body perform better at a game).
No electronics are allowed on the bus, school rules apply to any and all sports activities. Players are allowed to bring a cell phone, but it must remain in their backpack/bag and not used until the bus driver gives you the “okay” that it is an appropriate time to call or text home. This will occur when we are 15-20 minutes from Grapeview. That is the only time the phones are allowed, if they are used any other time they will be taken away.
Arrival at another school:
When we arrive at another school we show great respect for that school and its campus. We are to be polite showing gratitude to all others for hosting the game. NO NEGATIVE REMARKS OF ANY KIND ABOUT ANOTHER SCHOOL and/or ITS CAMPUS. All players are to remember we as a team are representing the Grapeview School and its community while visiting other schools and we want to do this is the most positive way.
Game Day Expectations:
Attire: The League has a very strict set of rules for game attire. Players will not be allowed to play per the referee if they are not dressed properly. If a player is not playing in the game, they cannot dress in uniform but they are encouraged to wear school colors and/or school sweatshirts while watching and supporting the team.
Players need to be dressed in the following manner:
• Grapeview Assigned Uniform Jersey
• Grapeview Assigned Shorts
• White T Shirt if any T shirt under jersey
• Jersey and Shirt if any both tucked into shorts
• White Socks
• Basketball Tennis Shoes that tie (with laces)
• Hair cut short or pulled back out of eyes if long
Here are the NO’s:
• No Jewelry of any kind ( no earrings, necklace, bracelets, watches…)
• No writing on skin or temporary tattoos
• No shoes that leave black marks on floors
Wash off any tattoos the night before the game to eliminate any problems on game day. Be sure to keep all jewelry on the bus and put in your backpack. Please don’t ask coaches to hold your jewelry, or find you zip locks etc. to put it in. It’s best to not wear any jewelry of any kind to school on game day.
During A Game
Seating: ALL team members (playing or not) need to be seated on the bench/chairs during games. Team members should not be getting up and down during the game (going to concession stand, frequent bathroom breaks, talk with friends or family in the bleachers, etc.) You are part of the team and the team works together, sits together, helps each other, cheers for each other, and is there to support each other.
During a JV game the coach sits in the first chair followed by the JV Team members and Varsity Team members. During a varsity game it’s the Coach followed by the Varsity Team members followed by the JV Team members.
Whether you play JV or Varsity you are all part of the same team, therefore you should be seated on the bench paying attention to the game and cheering for your teammates. Watching games is also a great learning tool. Also you may find something that a team member is doing that you may be able to help them get better with (Buddy Coach). This not only helps support your team, but it helps you become a better player as well. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE ANY NEGATIVE, BLAMING, OR RUDE COMMENTS ALLOWED. This goes for both our team members and the opposing team. You are required to sit on the bench and be supportive of your team. Do not talk to the coach while they are coaching. Do not ask if you can get concessions, or go talk to friends, or go to the bathroom, or when they will sub players. This is not a social time, it is team time. You need to be paying attention to the game and cheering your team members on. There are appropriate times when you can go to the concession stand or bathroom, these times include: During breaks between games or after second quarter during half time, during warm up time only if needed (Bathroom breaks should be taken prior to any game or warm up time).
All team members are required to ensure the bench and surroundings are cleaned before the team boards the bus. Even if it is not our teams “trash” we will pick it up and throw it away. Players will not be excused to board the bus or home with a parent until they have cleaned up the bench area. If we are at an away game the team will be expected to clean one thing extra so we leave the campus in better shape than when we arrived. For home games; players are expected to help set up and clean up. Attendance doing so is required.
Parents or guardians are allowed to sign their kids out AFTER the game is over. It is highly encouraged that all team members stay for both JV and Varsity games – although there are two different games we are all on the same team and need to encourage each other. The Coach needs to physically see the parent or guardian and have them sign the appropriate Grapeview paperwork to take their child home after an away game. Players can only go home with their own parent or guardian and not with a friend or a friend's family.
Athletic Director
Cindy Breeze
Phone: 360-426-4921